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Interstate Electrical Services

July 27, 2021, 8:32 pm

Last updated on 2020-08-13 12:59:11 What do you like the most about Interstate Electrical Services Corporation? What do you like least about Interstate Electrical Services Corporation? What outcome and benefits have you realized with the Interstate Electrical Services Corporation implementation? (Optional) Discover the latest software purchases and digital transformation initiatives being undertaken by Interstate Electrical Services Corporation and its business and technology executives. Each quarter our research team identifies on-prem and cloud applications that are being used by the 600 Interstate Electrical Services Corporation employees from the public (Press Releases, Customer References, Testimonials, Case Studies and Success Stories) and proprietary sources. During our research, we have identified that Interstate Electrical Services Corporation has purchased the following applications: Viewpoint Spectrum for Construction ERP in 2007, Viewpoint Field View for Project Portfolio Management in 2007, Viewpoint Team | VIewpoint Office for Project Portfolio Management in 2007 and the related IT decision-makers and key stakeholders.

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Interstate Electrical Services Corp Benefits & Perks | PayScale

"This initiative enables us to combat the talent gap for general labor in the trades and manufacturing while providing a new path to a promising career for people from diverse backgrounds. " Over the past decade, Interstate has initiated a robust manufacturing and prefabrication operation, completing many of the pre-assembly of parts & components and non-install related tasks (that electricians would traditionally perform in the field) offsite for increased efficiency. The work is performed at Interstate's purpose-built 100, 000 square foot, UL-approved Operations Center. The Lean Construction manufacturing methods adopted by Interstate result in higher productivity and efficiency, UL-quality control, and safer, more dependable work conditions for employees. Once an apprentice completes the program and becomes a Registered Assembler, opportunities for career advancement range from completing the four-year electrical apprenticeship program to becoming a production area supervisor. Skills obtained through the program are transferable to the benefit of any employer in the state that relies on manufacturing.

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