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July 29, 2021, 10:48 am

Update 5th November 2019 One month on and where are we now? After the new & improved CoC amendment FAQ, the community has largely quietened down about the pronoun usage. There's new & improved moderator action processes (outgoing and incoming) for which there's a transparency in the process, but no transparency in usage. Monica has been invited to go through the process, but obviously without transparency, there can be no assurance of impartiality. The new process has already failed Monica, without her even needing to lift a finger. The key, and most important, aspect of this situation is Monica's personal and professional hurt that's been imposed by Stack Exchange in speaking to the press and not attempting to correct the erroneous story which was paraphrased as "We sacked Monica because she's an unrepentant bigot". David Fullerton offered an apology for this hurt in his statement of regret: Second, we hurt a longstanding member of the community and an important volunteer moderator. She deserved the benefit of a private, comprehensive process.

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There are utility... asked Nov 4 '20 at 18:19 Genshin impact F2P model [closed] I don't mind spending on games I love to support the devs but not to the point where your progress or how strong you are is hugely influenced by the amount you spend (FIFA FUT). I currently play... asked Oct 31 '20 at 12:07 What's the best way to use wishes in Genshin Impact? So I've assumed it was better to spend your wishes in batches of 10, but I've seen people online claiming it's either better or doesn't make a difference to use them one at a time. Apparently the pity... asked Oct 30 '20 at 0:44 CoqPwner 3, 407 2 gold badges 26 silver badges 34 bronze badges Where is this "Rockery" treasure located? There's a model of a rock formation at the top of Wangshu Inn. The flavor text seems to indicate there is some sort of treasure associated with it? That said I've not seen any mountains that look... asked Oct 20 '20 at 9:51 How do you fight against Geovishap Hatchlings? Since these enemies have spawned in my world, I've had no real idea on how to fight them that would cause them to get into their "stunned" animation, which is them lying on their back for a... asked Oct 20 '20 at 9:47 How to view the combat knowledge tips for the second time?

Questions marked with this tag should concern habits and customs in normal people's lives. This can be limited to some epoch in history and to some region. How many days have elapsed since October 23, 4004 B. C.? I need the number of exact days from October 23, 4004 B. C., but obviously it's a bit challenging, i. e. there were some days "disappeared" in the history, and things became a bit complicated.... asked Sep 17 '20 at 4:09 What did people do about kerosene lamp fires? In the late nineteenth century, kerosene lamps were widely used for illumination. They were effective and affordable, though had the nontrivial disadvantage of being a significant fire hazard; a lamp... asked Jul 25 '20 at 3:43 rwallace 2, 205 14 silver badges 19 bronze badges

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Genshin Impact is a free-to-play multi-platform 3D action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo. What does "An entity has timed out" mean? Sometimes when traversing the world, you will get the message "An entity has timed out". What does "An entity has timed out" mean, does it always relate to the same entity, perhaps... asked Jan 31 at 11:28 Akixkisu 329 1 silver badge 17 bronze badges What are conditions to unlock artifacts sets in Archive? What are conditions to unlock artifacts sets in Archive? I'm talking about this page: Do I need to collect all 5 in my inventory? Or do I need to just pickup them at least once? I'm asking because I... asked Nov 14 '20 at 7:09 arghtype 11. 5k 14 gold badges 49 silver badges 81 bronze badges How does Monster Aggro work in Genshin Impact's Co-op Mode? I often play Co-op mode to clear domains, and I notice that I get targeted a lot even if I'm not the closest to the monster. For example, yesterday I was running with Klee (me), Diluc, Keqing and Qiqi... asked Nov 9 '20 at 7:10 Yuu 3, 514 5 gold badges 24 silver badges 52 bronze badges How much companionship exp do I need per rank?

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Bubbles leave when added to syrup I made this tonic syrup recipe. However, as mentioned also in the recipe, the bubbles tend to leave early when I pour sparkling water on it. I don't think using a differend brand would help - the... asked Oct 26 '20 at 18:58 G. B. 568 1 silver badge 8 bronze badges Can you use CO2 cartridges in a N2O dispenser? UNlike this post (Are N2O and CO2 chargers interchangeable for culinary purposes? ) I want to know whether you can use the same dispenser for both carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. I see that the heads... asked Sep 27 '20 at 19:54 How to keep drinks carbonated I like to occasionally, but not regularly, have a carbonated drink such as soda water. Buying these in small containers is more expensive and uses more packaging. Big containers go flat before I have... asked May 20 '20 at 14:00 LSchoon 4, 801 20 silver badges 40 bronze badges Intense mushrooms carbonation while fermenting First attempt on fermenting mushrooms. Pretty low experience level in fermenting overall.

With a resounding " Halleloo! " they don their most eye-popping outfits, transform residents into queens themselves and "put on one hell of an amazing" drag show. "There are people in every town who don't feel empowered to stand up and be themselves, " says NYC-based Bob in the series premiere, which aired Thursday night. "And hopefully in doing these drag shows in these communities, we're able to provide that feeling of, 'Look: I'm not by myself. '" In the first hourlong episode, they travel to historic Gettysburg, Penn., population 7, 636. "We don't know if everyone's gonna accept us, " says Eureka with a hint of foreshadowing. It turns out the tantalizing trio has their work cut out for them as — you guessed it — not everyone is pleased to see them. "I'll never buy anything in here again. All these freakin' freaks, " a thrift shop customer says before storming out when the hosts pop in for a visit. Expect the gals to let their freak flags fly as they throw some suburban shade and spill some townie tea.

$\begingroup$ We don't have a pill that can serve all of our nutritional needs, but we do have soylent, which supposedly takes care of the nutritional needs for a person ( and is reported to taste quite bland). There are a plethora of dry pellets in the pet aisle that are specially made for each type of animal consuming them, each containing different ingredients for the animals they were made for. The closest thing I could think that we have to "Human pet food" is cereal. If such a food were created I imagine It would be like ramen in the sense that it would be cheap and you could survive on it for a while Is it possible for there to be generic food pellets made for humans in a variety of different flavors to serve as "human pet food" and supply our nutritional requirements and if such a food were created what might be the impact? asked Jan 13 '17 at 15:54 $\endgroup$ 5 People survived on these staples (as in 80% + of their calories came from bread or rice) for most of recorded history.

But we can narrow it down further. The first mention of the word I can find in an English-language cookbook is in the 1827 edition of The Art of French Cookery. It does not appear in the 1822 edition of The Cook's Oracle, nor in the 1823 edition of Domestic Cookery. So it seems to have appeared as a French term in British & American recipes the 1820's and been appropriated as an English term sometime later. ADDED TO ANSWER: There's good reason to believe that the sauté technique, at least as a widespread practice, did not exist for more than a few decades earlier than the word in French did. The reason for this has to do with cooking technology. Through most of the 18th century, a majority of cooking was still done on open hearths, using a spider pan rather than a frying pan on a stove. Moving the pan to make ingredients "jump" -- an essential element of sauteing -- is very difficult with a spider. So sauté as a common cooking technique would not have preceded iron stoves as common cooking surfaces, which didn't happen until the end of the 18th Century.

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