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Chemical Imbalance Causing Depression

July 29, 2021, 7:11 am

Dr Achal Bhagat It does not mean that psychotherapy does not work for depression. However the availability of trained psychotherapists in a country like India is limited. Where access to therapy is available, a combination of both medicines and psychotherapy works well. Anything related to the mind is still overwhelming beyond comprehension. While people located at different points of the spectrum would disagree on several aspects, we can all agree that there definitely isn't any one single way to address or treat depression. Published: 18 Mar 2019, 5:56 PM IST

Chemical imbalance causing

Photo: Moodboard/Getty Images What if everything we think we know about depression is wrong? That's the contention of journalist and writer Johann Hari in his latest book, Lost Connections, which was recently excerpted on the Guardian 's website. Maybe you saw it — it was extremely popular and widely shared online. Unfortunately, there are numerous problems with the piece, and many in the mental-health field — and some who deal with depression themselves — are seriously unhappy about it. Perhaps the most dangerous element is his persistent condemnation of antidepressants and their use, at one point describing them as essentially useless, with claims of their effectiveness being purely "marketing copy. " This is, at best, an alarming oversimplification of claims that aren't widely accepted and based on questionable evidence. And this is deeply unhelpful. There is already plenty of stigma associated with taking antidepressants without Hari advancing the notion that they're useless and ineffective, which just further undermines those who depend on them.

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chemical imbalance causing

These days, it is expensive to eat healthy, especially when students have their tuition fees, books, and monthly rent and utilities to pay for. Typically, full-time college students may find themselves at a drive-thru, or snacking on whatever may be available regardless of its nutritional content. College students who are on-the-go do not always have the luxury of time and money to invest in healthier food choices or a gym membership. Some students eat too little or too much without much consideration of the consequences. "Not eating, or not eating properly and lack of exercise lead to a chemical imbalance, " said Gabriel Seabra Cendoroglo, 22, music major who is currently battling depression. "Zinc deficiency also causes feelings of stress. I have self-esteem problems and for some reason, it tends to become a vicious circle of depression. I think all of these contribute to my depression. " According to SAD, eating regular, healthy meals and snacks boosts a person's metabolism, which allows for effective use of energy.

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